We Survey

Each business has an individual risk of fire, and a site survey means your fire protection can be tailored to the risk involved.
One of our fully trained technicians will visit your premises to conduct a fire safety survey to ensure that your premises have the required Fire protection in place we will assess the hazards that you face and ensure that the relevant quantity and type of:

Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers can often be the first line of defence for your business. With the huge variety available, you need to be sure that the extinguishers you have will fight the type of fire that starts, and they’re in perfect working order when you need them

Fire Signage

We carry out comprehensive surveys on existing and new build premises as guidance to what signage is required by the Law!

Fire Detection

Our fire alarm site survey will help establish your exact requirements before you choose your fire alarm. A member of our team will examine your premises and current equipment before offering you expert advice on a suitable solution.

Emergency Lighting

Recent legislation makes it critical that all businesses address the requirements for Emergency Escape Lighting, All escape routes, including external ones, and must have sufficient lighting for people to see their way out safely. Emergency escape lighting may be needed if areas of the workplace are without natural daylight or are used at night. All of these points will be checked during the survey.

All other aspects of fire protection will be discussed during the survey to ensure all areas are covered.

We Design

Once the survey has been completed we can then decide what if any actions need to be taken to bring your premises in line with current legislation, at Fire Services Central Ltd we understand that no two businesses are the same and a “one size fits all “ method does not work.

Our team of design technicians look at each job individually and put together a bespoke package that not only keeps you and your premises safe at all times but also works within the budget you have. We also provide you with full specification and drawings if required.

Once the design is approved by the client we then arrange a time and date that is suitable for you to commence the agreed work.

  • Design Servicing

    Our consultants are completely up to date with current regulations and design requirements.

  • Installation

    One of our engineers will take control of your installation.

We Install

Once the survey and design of fire protection is complete and tailored to your specific needs we then move on to installing the equipment required to provide you and your premises with the appropriate coverage, this will be carried out by one of our highly qualified technicians with all works being completed quickly and efficiently to minimise any interference to your working day, our technicians will work closely with you during the installation process to ensure that you are fully aware of what is happening and when it’s happening.

Once the installation has been completed you will be invited to inspect the work and ask any questions that you may have.  Where Fire Alarm panels / Emergency Lighting have been installed you will be given a full demonstration by the technician on how to use the system and how to carry out your weekly test routines.